New Donator?

This is a simple to help you get setup if you have just donated to JRP.

Before we start the JRP Executive Team thanks you for contributing to the JRP Community!

How to Donate

Head over to and select your package!

Getting Discord Roles

First things first. Let's get you setup with you're discord roles on the Main JRP Discord. Make sure to follow think link below and link your patreon with discord:

After you have linked your're Patreon please confirm that you have gotten your Donator roles if not, please make a ticket on Discord.

Linking your Discord with FiveM

It is crucial that you make sure that you're FiveM is linked to discord, if debugging is needed please click below.

Getting permissions in-game with Discord

After you have linked Patreon and FiveM to your Discord you should be good to go! We ask that you double check and confirm you have linked both.

You will have to wait for a full Server Restart before you receive full donator permissions, please do not make a ticket asking for a restart as restarts are random and can occur anytime.

You will need to relog to get permissions make sure your discord is linked and you have your proper discord roles!

Still need Help?

If you are still having trouble after following this page please make a ticket on the JRP Main Server Discord, thank you.

Last updated